Work Package 2

Work Package 2: [Capacity building on policy, design and teaching of outcomes and digital oriented academic programmes]
Duration: M2 – M6 
Lead Beneficiary: CESIE
  • to develop the training package on European experience on integration of Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into higher education policy and curricula, design and teaching of outcomes and digital oriented academic programmes 
  • to improve the capacity of the staff from MD and AM on policy and design of outcomes (including green skills) and digital oriented academic programmes 
  • to improve the capacity of the staff from MD and AM on outcomes and digital oriented teaching and learning 
Activities and division of work (WP description)
T2.1 Preparation of Training package on European experience on integration of Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into higher education policy and curricula, design and teaching of outcomes and digital oriented academic programmes
T2.2 Organization and delivery of capacity building training on policy and design of outcomes (including green skills) and digital oriented academic programmes (Strasbourg)
T2.3 Organization and delivery of capacity building training on outcomes and digital oriented teaching and learning (Benevento)