Work Package 4

Work Package 4: [DEVELOPMENT, Redesign and piloting of selected academic programmes and teaching/learning approaches]

Duration: M16-M33 Lead

Beneficiary: MD and AM HEIs


  • Building the capacity of staff and HEIs regarding green and digital oriented teaching and learning approaches (including work-based learning) in line with redesigned undergraduate programmes and expected learning outcomes
  • Development, approvement and piloting of the revised academic programmes in involved HEIs in MD and AM
  • Preparation of intermediate results of piloting the revised academic programmes
  • Adoption of the SQF for selected undergraduate programmes
  • Development of CESD in MD

Activities and division of work (WP description)

4.1. Revision of teaching and learning approaches (including work-based learning) in line with redesigned undergraduate programmes and expected learning outcomes
4.2. Organization and delivery of national capacity building trainings for green and digital oriented teaching and learning (Chisinau and Yerevan)
4.3 Piloting of revised academic programmes in involved HEIs in Armenia and Moldova
4.4. Organization and delivery of workshop for discussing the intermediate results of piloting the revised academic programmes (Brasov)
4.5. Finalization and adoption of SQF and CEDS for selected undergraduate programmes
4.6. Finalization and adoption of revised academic programmes